Child Chiropractic Clinic Find Out More… Book Today Caring For The Whole Family
For Your Children

Chiropractic Care for Children

Paediatric chiropractic care for all ages up to 18 year olds.
Chiropractic care for babies and children is very gentle and specific. Using gentle spinal, cranial and visceral paediatric techniques.
It is a different technique and experience that will be used, in comparison to what most people think or have experienced when having treatment by a chiropractor.
In our Child’s Chiropractic Clinic the priority is to provide professional, unrushed patient-focussed care in a family friendly environment. 
Baby and child chiropractic treatment can be very effective at helping to relax the body and can also improve sleep.
Chiropractic care can help balance growth and physical development.
Chiropractic Child Clinic

Baby Chiropractic

Birth can naturally be a very stressful event for a baby. Complications or interventions such as forceps and Caesarean Section can be added stressors. These physical stressors can all have an impact on the babies skull, spine and also abdomen and thoracic.
Babies cannot complain when they may have headaches or shoulder aches etc instead they can express it by becoming irritable and cry. Another sign of discomfort can be when a baby favours one side for example when feeding or sleeping.
Sophia, our baby chiropractor uses a very gentle and specific touch to release these compressions and uses techniques to unwind the baby.

Benefits of Baby Chiropractors

Baby chiropractic uses gentle spinal, visceral and cranial manipulations to overall help relax the baby.
Treatment using gentle pressure can help relieve several symptoms such as irregular sleeping and bowel movements and can reduce irritable episodes.
Cranial chiropractic care also helps support their nervous system’s growth and improve their suck and feeding. Relaxing the baby’s bodies helps them to have improved sleep and settle easier.
Child Chiropractic Clinic

Treatment for Children

As babies become toddler’s and children they are more likely to have bumps as they start to walk and become more active. As children grow they may take up sports alongside sitting studying or on their mobiles/tablets and the affect of posture on children.
Chiropractic treatment can help maintain a balanced and healthy body during this time of growth and also after bumps to reduce any compensation
There are a number of milestone within the first few months to years, which are very important to meet. These milestones are often linked with the inhibition of Primitive reflexes so that the child can develop new skills. We can test for these reflexes and help.
Sophia our paediatric chiropractor has a passion for baby and child chiropractic care. She is highly experienced and has attended post-graduate chiropractic paediatric courses including gaining Distinction in a PostGraduate Certificate in Paediatric Musculoskeletal Health.
If you are unsure whether chiropractic care can help your baby or child, please feel free to contact the clinic to speak to Sophia or you are welcome to book in for a free chat.
Contact Details

Child Chiropractic Care in Poole and Chandler’s Ford

Meadowsweet Chiropractic
Chandler’s Ford

Monday: 8am- 6pm
Friday: 8am- 6pm

Meadowsweet Chiropractic
Parkstone, Poole

Tuesday 8am – 8pm
Wednesday: 8am- 8pm
Thursday: 8am- 8pm
Saturday 8am- 12pm

Treating the Cause, Not just the Symptoms

Through the use of our specific, gentle adjusting techniques, we’re able to help to create comfort, strength, and stability.

Chiropractic Pregnancy Care
Baby Chiropractic Care
Chiroprator for Back Pain